In Dnipro, there are "serious problems" following the massive shelling of Ukraine on December 25. Specialized services are currently operational in the city.
This information comes from RBK-Ukraine, citing Dnipro's mayor, Boris Filatov, on Facebook.
"There are certain serious issues. To avoid providing unnecessary details and giving useful information to the enemy, I will provide more information at 14:00. I can only say this: if we hadn't prepared for the shelling, it would have been much worse," the mayor wrote.
The mayor added that the military administration, city authorities, police, energy workers, utility services, rescuers, and volunteers are coordinating their efforts in Dnipro.
On Christmas Day, December 25, Russian occupiers launched another massive strike against Ukraine. The enemy's target once again was Ukrainian energy infrastructure.
As reported by President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Russians fired over 70 missiles at Ukraine, including ballistic ones, and more than 100 drones. Air defense forces destroyed more than 50 missiles and a significant portion of the drones.
Due to the massive attack, scheduled power outages were implemented across Ukraine. "Ukrenergo" notes that these schedules will remain in effect until the end of the day.
As a result of the attack, there is one fatality in Dnipropetrovsk region. According to DTEK, the Russian occupiers killed an energy worker employed at one of the thermal power plants.
For more on the consequences of today's shelling of Ukraine, see our article.