In 2025, residents of the Zaporizhzhia region and internally displaced persons (IDPs) may receive financial assistance for treating injuries sustained from shelling, reports Politika.

According to the official website of the Zaporizhzhia City Council, the support program is funded through the regional budget, with the amount of aid depending on the severity of the injuries sustained.

Ракетная атака по Украине

Assistance is provided to civilians affected by Russian attacks. Internally displaced persons registered in the Zaporizhzhia region are also eligible for compensation, as reported by Politeka.

The program offers two types of assistance: 50,000 hryvnias for individuals who have sustained severe injuries, concussions, or disabilities; and 20,000 hryvnias for those who have suffered moderate injuries.

To apply for assistance, affected individuals should contact the district departments of the Social Protection Department of the Zaporizhzhia City Council. They will need to prepare a package of documents, including copies of their passport, identification code, registration certificate for IDPs, and an extract from the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations.

выплаты, деньги, помощь

Documents confirming family relations (if applicable) and bank account details for the transfer of funds will also be required. Applications can be submitted at several addresses in the city, including V. Zaitsev, Vintera, Lyubytel'ska, Chumachenko, Aleksandrovskaya, Lakhtynska, and Volshebna streets.

For additional information, inquiries can be made at the following phone numbers: 050-200-46-67, 063-160-49-76, 050-200-49-16, 050-200-49-13, 093-289-10-02.