Recently in Kyiv, there was an incident where a child spent several days in a locked apartment without their mother. However, despite such negligence towards the child, this situation does not constitute grounds for depriving the mother of parental rights.
This was reported by Aksana Filippishina, the deputy head of the analytical department of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, during a broadcast on KIEV24.
She explained that the underage mother, who left her child alone in the apartment for several days, cannot be stripped of her parental rights as this is not a sufficient reason for such an action.
The expert also emphasized the importance of timely responses to any signs of inappropriate treatment of children and contacting the relevant authorities.
Law enforcement has initiated a criminal case against the 16-year-old mother who left her child unattended in the apartment for several days, failing to fulfill her parental duties.
Additionally, Politeka reported that some Ukrainian women have the right to apply for early retirement—this can be done at the age of 50 with the necessary work experience.
Applications can be submitted even a month before turning 50. To apply online, one must have a qualified electronic signature and prepare color copies of the documents.