Ginger takes about 10 months to mature and cannot withstand frost, making it easy to grow on a windowsill.

Ginger is one of those wonderful plants that thrives in both partial and full shade, making it perfect for indoor cultivation on a windowsill.

No matter which method you choose, here are some helpful tips for growing ginger on your windowsill at home.

The ginger root you select for planting should be plump with a firm skin, not shriveled and old.

There should be several eyes (buds resembling potato eyes) on the ginger, and if they are slightly green, that's even better.

If your ginger root has several eye buds, you can cut it and place each bud in a separate pot to grow multiple plants.

How to grow ginger on a windowsill, step by step:

First, soak the ginger root overnight in warm water to prepare it for planting.

Fill the ginger pot on the windowsill with very fertile but well-draining soil.


Insert the ginger root with the eye facing up into the soil and cover it with earth, then water it thoroughly.

Place the ginger in a warm spot on the windowsill where it doesn’t get too much bright sunlight.

Keep the ginger soil moist by misting it with a spray bottle or lightly watering it.

Ginger grows slowly; after a few weeks, you will see shoots emerging from the soil on your windowsill. Continue to water the ginger regularly, misting it, and keep it warm.

You can start harvesting small pieces of ginger about 3-4 months after growth begins.

Source: craftsy.