Nonetheless, indoor roses grow to only 30 cm in height, making them ideal for keeping as a houseplant.

Roses can be quite finicky to care for, so it's important to know how to care for indoor roses.

Too much direct sunlight, and the roses will be unhappy (they can manage a couple of hours a day), while too much shade will prevent them from blooming.

To care for indoor roses, place the plant about a meter away from a west or east-facing window that receives around eight hours of sunlight—that's just what they need.

Indoor roses also require the right temperature. A consistent 21°C in the summer is ideal, provided the room is well-ventilated and free from drafts.


Fortunately, these indoor roses are non-toxic to your pets, so getting rid of them will be one less worry.

Everyone loves a good pruning, including your miniature indoor roses. Throughout the flowering season, you should remove flowers as they fade; this helps conserve energy in the plant.

If your indoor roses are producing a good crop of blooms, you can also cut flowers when they are at their peak and place them in a vase, just remember that they should be small!

In the spring, remove all dead branches and prune the indoor rose (removing about a third of the plant); this should help it regrow stronger.

Do this using garden shears and cutting the stems at an angle—avoid cutting the indoor rose straight across, as this can lead to infections. You might want to wear suitable gloves while doing this—roses have sharp thorns!

Source: flyingflowers.