This time, "MasterChef" judge Hector Jimenez-Bravo demonstrated how to prepare an incredibly tender, creamy, and delicious chicken liver pâté.

This liver pâté is perfect for everyday meals as well as for festive occasions.

To make the delicate liver pâté, judge "MasterChef" Hector Jimenez-Bravo uses the following ingredients for 700 g of chicken liver:

  • 100-200 g of heavy cream (30%)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 onions
  • 50 g of brandy
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • salt and ground pepper – to taste
  • 100 g of butter (+100 g for the top layer)

Эктор Хименес-Браво

Judge "MasterChef" Hector Jimenez-Bravo cleans and fries the liver in a heated pan with a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. After that, season with salt, pepper, add thyme, and mix. Pour in the brandy and let it evaporate, ideally flambé it.

Separately, judge "MasterChef" Hector Jimenez-Bravo slices the onion into half-rings and fries it until golden.

Эктор Хименес-Браво

Blend the fried liver and onion until smooth. Add the heavy cream, egg, melted butter, and mix. For a perfect consistency, strain the pâté through a sieve.

The liver mixture is poured into a mold lined with parchment paper. Fill a baking tray with water to create a water bath, place the mold with the pâté on top, and bake at 120 degrees for about 40-60 minutes.

Once the finished liver pâté cools slightly, pour melted butter over it and place it in the refrigerator.