Cold allergy is a genuine condition that exhibits all the signs of an allergic reaction.
This was reported by Dr. Komarovsky on his YouTube channel.
When the skin comes into contact with cold, a reaction occurs that is related to histamine release, involving all the pathophysiological mechanisms typical of nearly any allergic reaction. Under the influence of cold, certain substances form in the tissues that remain largely unexplained by medical science, and the body responds to these substances by producing antibodies.
It is then that the antigen-antibody reaction takes place, manifesting as redness, itching, and hives, which is how cold urticaria is diagnosed.
What to do for cold urticaria—prevention is key, and while this is quite clear, let's outline the main principles of prevention.
First, avoid contact with cold objects, meaning that nothing cold should touch your skin. To achieve this, refrain from going out into the cold; you can wear gloves before opening a door, and use protective creams.
Use balaclavas, wear hats, and generally be mindful of this. Avoid cold water and be especially cautious with swimming pools.
Consult your doctor for advice on what to keep in your home first aid kit and carry in your bag or pocket when you leave the house.