Thursday13 February 2025

"ATESH" has reported on the 144th Motorized Rifle Division of the Russian Armed Forces near Smolensk, where they are currently repairing equipment.

The partisans have gathered intelligence on the area occupied by the 144th Motorized Rifle Division of the Russian Armed Forces, which is stationed near Smolensk.
"АТЭШ" обнаружил 144-ю мотострелковую дивизию ВС РФ под Смоленском, где проходит восстановление техники.

Partisans have gathered intelligence on the territory of the 144th Motorized Rifle Division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is stationed near Smolensk.

This information has been reported by RBK-Ukraine citing "ATESH".

According to "ATESH", the area has recorded the presence of barracks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery systems, and multiple rocket launchers (MRLs). All equipment is currently undergoing repairs.

It is known that this Russian unit is engaged in combat in the Donetsk direction. The division is noted for its high casualty rates among personnel during brutal assaults in Ternov and for the practice of torture against its deserters.

"Our agent collected data on the equipment, transport, and the deployment of personnel. We promptly relayed all the information to the Ukrainian Defense Forces," emphasized "ATESH".

Photo: "ATESH" has reported on the 144th Motorized Rifle Division of the Russian Armed Forces near Smolensk (

Partisan Reconnaissance of Russian Targets

It is worth noting that partisans continuously conduct reconnaissance of enemy targets, both along the front line and within Russia itself. "ATESH" agents examine both military installations and those responsible for supply and logistics.

For example, we previously reported that Russian military forces are deploying equipment at the "Yevpatoria-Freight" railway station in occupied Crimea. The Russian Federation has begun to actively utilize this station.